TL:DR If you haven’t noticed, the website has a new home – well, a new Internet address, to be accurate. So that’s basically it for this post, thank you for visiting and if you have any bookmarks please be sure to update them to the new address:

Longer explanation: For the nerdy folks: After how many years of using a sub-domain for this website, I decided to register a dedicated domain name to give the website a standalone, easier address to remember. When I registered the new domain I did not just do a URL redirect; I actually decided to move the entire website and all of its files to the new domain, which was not as easy as it may sound due to the fact that WordPress (the backend of the website) is database-driven. It’s a pretty involved process to move a website, even a simple WordPress blog like this. Also, simply moving the website isn’t the whole job, since there are many linked items on other websites that will be broken if not updated afterward (more on this later). So as of right now, here are the steps that I need/needed to take in order to successfully make the move:

STEP 1: Complete Backup (DONE)
Before any move of data, it is mandatory to make complete backups of the original website and original database. I did 3 backups total; 1 local (the files I will copy to the new domain), 1 off-site (to my managed data backup), and 1 server-based (through my domain hosting).

STEP 2: Migration of Files (DONE)
After backing up the original website, I copied all of the website files to the new domain server, which was almost 2GB of code and media!

STEP 3: Import Revised MySQL Database (DONE)
An updated version of the MySQL database was uploaded, after first modifying the configuration to work with the new domain address. I’m not going to lie, this part of the process was a little scary due to the fact that one wrong move would break the database and make the entire website unusable.

STEP 4: New Website Testing (DONE)
Once the new website was up and running, I had to check and make sure that everything was working as it should. This included double-checking that all images were showing, all posts were displaying correctly, and the contact form was functioning properly.

STEP 5: Introduce the New Website (DONE)
Well, that’s what this post is for =)

STEP 6: Remove the Old Website (DONE)
The old website and its core files have been deleted from the old location; however, I left a simple redirect that people will see if they try going to the old URL. This redirect will send them to the new website address automatically.

STEP 7: Update the Club Frontier Build Thread
The contents of this website are being “mirrored” in my original build thread on the Club Frontier forum. All of the images and links in the build thread are referencing to the old website URL, so to fully disconnect the old URL from the build thread I will have to manually update each image link and each URL link; mind you, this means going through over 1,100+ posts over 50+ pages of the forum, so this step will take some time.

STEP 8: Update any Other Lingering References
There are other non-build thread links on the Club Frontier forum and other locations on the Internet that I have to update so that those in the future who stumble across those references will be able to access the content, instead of seeing broken links and/or broken images.

So there it is – and here is the new home.  Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you encounter any broken links or references on the new website, or if you come across anything being weird. I appreciate all your visits to the website and I would like to make sure that the content is up and running as expected for all to benefit from.

Thanks for stopping by, stay as long as you like =)